Saturday, May 2, 2015

Final Post

       EME2040 was not what I expected. I am really good with technology, I work as a salesman in an electronic department so I know all about phones, tablets, computers, and video games. I thought this class was going to be more about learning how to use technology in the classroom like the computer, the smart-board, and others devices. Instead, this class, was more about the use of web-based technology which gave us the opportunity to be creative on our projects.
       The activities and course content was fun and interesting, since I got to do things that I had never done before and I will probably be doing it for a long time in my future teaching career. The web-quest was fun I had to be really creative in order to catch the reader's attention with the help of some photos. The lesson plan was also a good experience since I had never created one before. Now, I have an idea of what a lesson plan is and how to create an effective lesson plan. The website evaluation was a useful assignment since it will help me choose good websites in the future for homework activities.
      The eportafolio was not what I expected. In my opinion it would be more fun if we did not have to follow the sample step by step. I think we needed more freedom to experiment on our own the way we imagined an eportafolio should be instead of having to follow the guidelines. Engagement with classmates was a new experience for me since I never had the chance to communicate via online to discuss ideas of the projects that we worked on. Although despite not having enough time to discuss the projects, my team did the best they could to stay in touch with each other.
  Rodriguez, Leandris. “Eportapholio.” 2015. JPEG file.
Rodriguez, Leandris. “Web-quest.” 2015. JPEG file.